Removed Contact Page

With up to 6 spam messages an hour I had to remove the contact page on this website. I apologize for the inconvenience - but I hate Google's captcha bullshit like nothing else and do not want to cope with the spam I get any longer.

Please simply use your email client and send a message to "malbrecht" at this domain's name, if you like to contact me.

Thanks for your understanding.

The Jerk’s Guide to ... Becoming a Programmer

It's been in writing for far too long - what can I do, sometimes you have to work for money, sometimes you have to work for wife, sometimes it's just plain old boring life that interferes with your heart's desires. Anyway, now it's there and won't go away that easily:


Es ändert sich nichts. Ich sammle auch in Zukunft keine Daten meiner Besucher. Indem Sie meine Webseite aufsuchen, besuchen oder untersuchen, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass ich keine Daten über Sie sammle. Sie erklären sich außerdem damit einverstanden, dass Sie mir keine kostenpflichtige Abmahnung schicken, sollten Sie einen Verstoß gegen von Ihnen anders als von mir interpretiertes Recht festgestellt zu haben glauben. Statt der Abmahnung senden Sie mir einen FREUNDLICH formulierten Brief, in dem Sie in VERSTÄNDLICHER Art Ihr Problem schildern.


Trollbridge Songs

Finally ... Finally I am grabbing some time to work on music again. By far not enough, but ... there's a start.

While working on the Trollbridge movie (Trollbridge-Film) as a VFX goblin, I reinterpreted characters and scenes from the movie in my "own way". Maybe good half a dozen songs, of which a few I got far enough to hire some producer and musicians to render them into something digestable.


simpleGas - a gas-/smoke-/blubber solver using FabricEngine

I love experimenting in FabricEngine. Fabric is a "tools-development-tool" that can be used stand alone or from inside a number of DCCs (3d editors/suites) like Maya or even Unreal.
Among the nice things that Fabric provides is a "WYSIWYG" kind of visual feedback for your code. The perfect environment to understand how some seemingly complex 3d maths actually work.


New website build in the works

Yes, it was about time. My website needed both an optical overhaul and content that was somewhat closer related to "here and now".

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